LST 0130 User Manual
Page 11

Further approvals are in preparation.
Your fire detection control panel Series BC216 has been manufactured with greatest precision and
care. Nevertheless, the possibility of malfunctions cannot be excluded entirely. Please contact the
authorized installer of your fire detection system in case of a problem.
As long as the warranty is in effect all parts that fail to operate properly because of a demonstrable flaw
in their manufacture or in material either will be replaced or repaired free of charge. In such cases nei-
ther the time of the original warranty is extended nor is a new warranty period set for the replaced or
repaired parts. All further claims are excluded, especially those regarding secondary damages. Beyond
these regulations, the current regulations of the "Allgemeinen Lieferbedingungen der Elektroindustrie"
are in effect.
Special terms
Some of the special terms often used in this manual are defined in the following:
Actuations are used to automatically activate fire control systems (e.g., ventilation, fire doors, etc.)
in case of an alarm.
Warning of an existing danger to persons and property.
Alarm delay procedure
Appliance to delay the automatic transmission to the public fire report post (e.g., the fire brigade)
for a set amount of time.
Alarm verification
Automatic verification of an alarm by checking, if the signs of fire last longer than a set amount of
time (e.g., 1 minute).
Alarming device
Equipment which is connected to the control panel and whose duty it is to alarm the public (e.g., a
siren). The alarming device for fire messages which can also be operated - additionally to the menu
control - via the buttons in the field 'ALARM. DEVICE 1' of the key pad of the control panel is
called primary alarming device.
After confirming the appropriate menu point during putting the control panel into operation, the
control panel automatically recognizes the built-in-components as well as the external devices (e.g.,
fire detectors) and sets the setup for these parts to standard setup. On the basis of the standard setup,
the authorized installer sets the parameters of the control panel using the site-specific data.
BCnet sectional control panel
Part of a fire detection control panel BCnet216 which is installed in the surveilled area of the fire
detection system and to which fire detectors, among others, are connected. BCnet sectional control
panels can either be equipped with an own display and operating unit and therefore be directly oper-
atable, or without own display and operating unit to be operated only from another - operable -
BCnet sectional control panel, e.g. the main operating unit.
Competent installer
The company which is acquainted with local installation regulations, has adequate experience in
planning and building fire detection systems and whose technicians are periodically trained (at least
once a year) by the manufacturer of the fire detection system and the fire detection control panel on
the components of the fire detection system.
Deceptive alarm
A fire alarm, activated by automatic fire detectors that react to signs that are similar to those of fire
but are caused by other agents, such as welding, steam, heat, etc.
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A
Chapter 1 • Introduction