Glucose trend report – Lifescan OneTouch Diabetes Management Software v2.3.1 User Manual
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OneTouch® Diabetes Management Software v2.3.1 User Manual
Glucose Trend Report
The Glucose Trend Report displays daily glucose readings for a selected Date Range (
). This Report helps you easily track changes in glucose readings from day to day.
Glucose readings are displayed as dots on an X-Y graph. Each reading is connected to
the next with a dashed line.
Note: The dashed line that connects blood sugar readings in this graph does not
reflect actual glucose levels. Blood sugars can go high or low throughout the day
especially around mealtimes, medication or exercise. Actual testing before and after
these events is required to get a better picture of how they affect your sugar levels.
Readings will appear in chronological order from oldest to most recent. The X-axis
represents the date and time of the reading and the Y-axis represents the actual
glucose level. All glucose readings for a particular day are displayed. When printing the
Glucose Trend Report, readings are displayed as dots and are connected by solid lines.
The shaded gray area on the graph represents the Overall (Target) Range. Any readings
that fall above or below the shaded gray area are considered outside of this range.
When printing the Glucose Trend Report, the Overall (Target) Range limits will appear
as horizontal dashed lines.
You may point to any dot to display the value, Date, Time, Slot and Comments tagged
to that result.
Figure 3.6