Lifescan OneTouch Diabetes Management Software v2.3.1 User Manual

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OneTouch® Diabetes Management Software v2.3.1 User Manual


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When you see this:

You can do this:

Active/Regimen List

Create up to 5 Regimens for any patient. Regimens will be
stored in the database. To define a Regimen, select one of
the 5 default Regimen names from the list on the left side
of the screen. This Regimen name will replace the one in
the Regimen Name field on the right side of the screen.

Regimen Name/Active

Create new names for any of the five default Regimen

To make any of the five Regimens the Active Regimen,
click on Active. The word (Active) will then appear next to
that Regimen in the list to the left.

Date Effective

Enter an effective start date and daily schedule for insulin
injections. To specify the date, modify the information in
the date field or click on the down arrow. A pop-up
calendar box will appear with the current date set as the
default Date.

To change the year, click on the year and a set of up/down
arrows will appear. Click on the up/down arrows until you
find the desired year. To change the month, click on the
left/right arrows that appear on the sides of the calendar
box until you find the desired month. Then click on the
desired day.

Units and Type

For each Active Regimen, at least 1 insulin type and dose
must be specified for at least 1 Meal Slot. You may enter
up to 2 insulin doses for each Meal Slot.