Using smart sync class list server class lists, Using smart sync class list server class – Smart Technologies 2011 User Manual
Page 40

Specify student first and last names in separate columns.
For the student's given name, use First Name for the column heading.
For the student's family name, use Last Name for the column heading.
You must put a single space between First (or Last) and Name.
In place of First Name, you can use Given Name.
In place of Last Name you can use Last, Family Name or Surname.
You can also use the heading Full Name to import a single value that combines the first and
last names.
You must put a single space between Full and Name.
In place of Full Name, you can use Full or Name.
If you use Full Name, the software checks to see whether the first and last names are
separated by a comma (Last, First). If there isn't a comma, it separates the names with a
space (First Last).
If you put three or more names with spaces between them, the software uses the last
word as the last name and joins all of the first words to form the first name. For example,
"Michael John Smith" is split with the last name as Smith, and the first name as Michael
If your spreadsheet or database software automatically inserts quotation marks around the comma
separated values, the software ignores them and the import works properly.
Using SMART Sync Class List Server class lists
When you use SMART Response software in CE mode, you can use class list information from a
SMART Sync Class List Server instead of using a class list you created using Teacher Tools.
Teachers using SMART Sync can create class list information and store it on their SMART Sync
Class List Server. When you start SMART Response Teacher Tools, you can then select which
teacher's class information to use for your class.
Alternatively, teachers using SMART Sync software can start a SMART Response class using their
class information.
C H A P T E R 2
Getting started