Preface, Sun glassfish enterprise server documentation set – Sun Microsystems GLASSFISH ENTERPRISE 820433510 User Manual

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The Administration guide describes the administrative tasks of the Enterprise Server.

This preface contains information about and conventions for the entire Sun GlassFish


Enterprise Server documentation set.

Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Documentation Set


Books in the Enterprise Server Documentation Set

Book Title


Documentation Center

Enterprise Server documentation topics organized by task and subject.

Release Notes

Late-breaking information about the software and the documentation. Includes a
comprehensive, table-based summary of the supported hardware, operating system, Java


Development Kit (JDK


), and database drivers.

Quick Start Guide

How to get started with the Enterprise Server product.

Installation Guide

Installing the software and its components.

Application Deployment Guide

Deployment of applications and application components to the Enterprise Server. Includes
information about deployment descriptors.

Developer’s Guide

Creating and implementing Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform) applications
intended to run on the Enterprise Server that follow the open Java standards model for Java
EE components and APIs. Includes information about developer tools, security, debugging,
and creating lifecycle modules.

Java EE 5 Tutorial

Using Java EE 5 platform technologies and APIs to develop Java EE applications.

Java WSIT Tutorial

Developing web applications using the Web Service Interoperability Technologies (WSIT).
Describes how, when, and why to use the WSIT technologies and the features and options
that each technology supports.

Administration Guide

System administration for the Enterprise Server, including configuration, monitoring,
security, resource management, and web services management.