Symbol Technologies P470 User Manual

Page 14

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P470/370 RF Scanner Product Reference Guide


Symbol Technologies GmbH
Waldstrasse 66
D-63128 Dietzenbach, Germany

Tel: 6074-49020 (Inside Germany)
Tel: +49-6074-49020 (Outside Germany)


Symbol Technologies Italia S.R.L.
Via Cristoforo Columbo, 49
20090 Trezzano S/N Navigilo
Milano, Italy

Tel: 2-484441 (Inside Italy)
Tel: +39-02-484441 (Outside Italy)

Latin America Sales Support

2730 University Dr.
Coral Springs, FL 33065 USA

Tel: 1-800-347-0178 (Inside United States)
Tel: +1-954-255-2610 (Outside United States)
Fax: 954-340-9454


Symbol Technologies Mexico Ltd.
Torre Picasso
Boulevard Manuel Avila Camacho No 88
Lomas de Chapultepec CP 11000
Mexico City, DF, Mexico

Tel: 5-520-1835 (Inside Mexico)
Tel: +52-5-520-1835 (Outside Mexico)


Symbol Technologies
Kerkplein 2, 7051 CX
Postbus 24 7050 AA
Varsseveld, Netherlands

Tel: 315-271700 (Inside Netherlands)
Tel: +31-315-271700 (Outside Netherlands)


Symbol’s registered and mailing address:

Symbol Technologies Norway
Hoybratenveien 35 C
N-1055 OSLO, Norway

Symbol’s repair depot and shipping address:

Symbol Technologies Norway
Enebakkveien 123
N-0680 OSLO, Norway

Tel: +47 2232 4375

South Africa

Symbol Technologies Africa Inc.
Block B2
Rutherford Estate
1 Scott Street
Waverly 2090 Johannesburg
Republic of South Africa

Tel: 11-809 5311 (Inside South Africa)
Tel: +27-11-809 5311 (Outside South Africa)


Symbol Technologies S.L.
Avenida de Bruselas, 22
Edificio Sauce
Alcobendas, Madrid 28108

Tel: 91 324 40 00 (Inside Spain)
Tel: +34 91 324 40 00 (Outside Spain)
Fax: +34.91.324.4010