Icom IC-208H User Manual
Page 77

D Key-touch beep
The key-touch beep can be turned OFF for silent operation.
D Time-out timer
To prevent accidental prolonged transmission, etc., the trans-
ceiver has a time-out timer. This function cuts a transmission
OFF after 1–30 min. of continuous transmission. This timer
can be cancelled.
: The time-out timer is turned OFF.
• TOT-3/5/15/30 : The transmission is cut OFF after the
set period elapses.
D Auto repeater
The auto repeater function automatically turns ON or OFF the
duplex operation with a specified shift direction and tone en-
coder, when the operating frequency falls within or outside of
145.200–145.495, 146.610–146.995, 147.000–147.395,
442.000–444.995, and 447.000–449.995 MHz range. The off-
set and repeater tone frequencies are not changed by the
auto repeater function, reset these frequencies, if necessary.
• OF
: The auto repeater function is turned OFF.
• R1
: Activates for duplex only.
• R2
: Activates for duplex and tone.
D Auto power OFF
The transceiver can be set to automatically turn OFF after a
specified period with a beep when no key operations are per-
30 min., 1 hour, 2 hours and OFF can be specified. The spec-
ified period is retained even when the transceiver is turned
OFF by the auto power OFF function. To cancel the function,
select “OF” in this set mode.
U.S.A. version only