IBM EasyCoder 3400e User Manual
Page 137
A bitmap picture downloaded to the printer by the host before printing.
Health Industry Bar Code standard. A modified version of Code 39 that has 43
characters, utilizes the Modulus 43 check character, and reserves some character
combinations for special usage.
A character, number, or symbol printed in a font that can be read by a human; as
opposed to bar code symbology, which can only be read by a machine. See text.
image bands
A portion of an image in the shape of a strip of the image. A certain number of image
bands are stored in memory before printing begins. This method allows printing and
imaging to take place simultaneously.
The process of generating a picture of the label in printer memory.
Inches per second. A measurement of print speed that measures the number of inches of
media that is printed each second.
International Organization for Standardization. An internationally accepted 7-bit
character code. (The U.S. version is ASCII.)
The part of the media on which data is printed.
label format
The design of a bar code label; the arrangement of the text, lines, and bar codes on a
label gap
The space between labels on die-cut label stock.
A method of bar code printing in which the bars in the bar code print one at a time, in a
series. The bar code appears along the length of the label.