Maxtor SSA-0412 User Manual
Page 62

The calendar shows dates with recorded video in a light blue and the
selected date in dark blue.
The timeline shows recorded data in dark blue on the bar. You can
adjust the time-line scale and move it to the time you wish to play back.
Click the play icon to display the recorded video.
Click these icons to select display mode.
7-5-1. Backup
You can back up recorded video in AVI format from the search viewer.
1. Click the MARK IN icon
when the scale on the blue timeline is on the time you wish to the backup
file to begin.
2. Set the ending time on the blue timeline by dragging the scale to the ending time for the backup file and
clicking the MARK OUT icon
. The color of the timeline between the beginning time and ending time will
change to dark green.
3. Next, click the backup icon
and the pop up window appears as below.
The beginning and ending time can also be set on this window.
After selecting a channel for backup, click the OK button. The backup will begin.
7-6. PC System configuration
Click the setup icon
to setup the configuration of PC that the network client S/W is installed.
7-6-1. General
Once you click the setup icon, this pop up window appears. Select security options and set a password.
When you access any of the selected functions, you will need to enter the password.
You can also set the save path for capturing and backup.