Maxtor SSA-0412 User Manual
Page 31

UP and DOWN arrow controls to change the value of month, week, day and
-Do not set the start time to 23:00 for DLS.
-DLS can’t be applied, if the date of BEGIN and END is same.
Enable/disable SEND EMAIL function.
IP NOTIFICATION: Enable/disable sending daily e-mail reports on the status of
your DVR.
EVENT ALARM: Enable/disable sending e-mail reports when event alarm
MAIL ADDRESS: Enter the appropriate email address to enable sending daily
e-mail reports.
MAIL SERVER NAME: Enter the appropriate email server information to enable
sending daily e-mail reports.
ID: Enter the ID of mail address.
PASSWORD: Enter the password of mail address.
RETURN MAIL ADDRESS: Enter the e-mail address for return email. When e-
mail does not deliver or not work properly, the return email will be delivered to
this e-mail address.
Figure 3.6.2. DVR ID Setup Screen