6 run-time calibration, 7 turning off power – Adept Python User Manual
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Run-Time Calibration
Adept Python Modules User’s Guide, Rev. E
10.6 Run-Time Calibration
After High Power is enabled and all E-Stops have been checked, you must perform the
run-time calibration on the system. Make sure the carriage on each module is at least 10
mm away from a hardstop, or an error may occur.
1. Enter the following command at the monitor window:
• The calibration process happens with very little noise, except possibly for a quiet
high pitch humming.
• On modules equipped with brakes, brakes will release during calibration with a
• After calibration is complete, the system returns to the dot prompt. You are now
ready to operate and program the system.
10.7 Turning Off Power
1. Stop any customer-supplied application programs that are running.
2. Enter the following command at the monitor window:
disable power
3. Turn off the AC power switch on the PDU3 and turn off the DC power supply to
the SmartController.
10.8 Operating and Programming an Adept Python Modules
When the system has been calibrated, you should go to the
Adept T2 Pendant User’s
to learn how to move the system with the pendant.
Refer to the
V+ Operating System User’s Guide
to find information on basic operation of
the V
Operating System. Also refer to the
Instructions for Adept Utility Programs
information on using the Adept utility programs.
For additional programming information, refer to the following list of optional manuals:
• V+ Language User’s Guide
• V+ Language Reference Guide
• V+ Operating System Reference Guide
NOTE: These manuals are located on the Adept Document Library
CD-ROM that ships with each system.