Step 12: create a sip trunk profile – AltiGen MAXCS 7.5 Softswitch Deployment Guide User Manual
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MAXCS 7.5 All-Software Solution Deployment Guide
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SIP Options can be enabled or disabled for each SIP Server. By default, SIP Options is disabled.
SIP Server Name – A name for this SIP Server.
Enable SIP OPTIONS – Enable or disable this feature for the selected SIP Trunk group.
SIP Options Interval – How often, in seconds, the server sends a “keepalive” message to this
enabled SIP trunk group. The default interval is 30 seconds.
Number of Retries – If MaxCS receives no 200 (OK) response, the number of times a “keepalive’
message should be sent. After these retries, if there still has been no valid response, then MaxCS
marks all SIP trunks in the group as Not Ready. The default number of attempts is 5.
Retry Interval – While a SIP trunk group is in a Retry state and is not receiving a valid response,
how often MaxCS should send another “keepalive” message to the SIP server. The default interval
is 2 seconds.
If MaxCS does not receive a SIP 200 (OK) message after the set number of retries, it then sets all
SIP trunks in that group to Not Ready.
Step 12: Create a SIP Trunk Profile
Different SIP service providers may support different ways of sending a caller ID. To provide callees with a
more accurate caller ID, you can create a SIP Trunk Profile for a particular service provider, when necessary.
Otherwise, a default profile is used. Once you have created a profile, you can select it in the SIP Trunk
Configuration panel.
1. In the SIP Trunk Configuration dialog box, click the
SIP Trunk Profile button on the right.
2. Edit the fields as necessary and click
OK. (Refer to the following table for descriptions of these fields).