Hmcp resources parameters, Parameters in ip header – AltiGen MAXCS 7.5 Softswitch Deployment Guide User Manual
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MAXCS 7.5 All-Software Solution Deployment Guide
Note: Do not exceed the maximum numbers provided by the HMCP Certification Tool (from page 11).
The next section describes the parameters in this dialog box.
4. After adjusting these values, you may need to reboot the system so that the changes can take effect.
HMCP Resources Parameters
This panel shows the total number licensed (if applicable), total currently assigned, and the number assigned
to this HMCP board for Voice Processing Resources (VPR), station conference members, MeetMe conference
members, and agent supervision bridges.
The maximum number of resources that can be supported on an HMCP virtual board is as follows:
G.711 VPR - 1,000
G.711 / G.722 / G.723 / G.729 VPR - 200
Station Conference Members - 120
MeetMe Conference Members - 120
Agent Supervision Bridges - 20
Important! When adding additional combo licenses, the system will increase the RTP ports it uses and
will use these new ports. If these additional ports are not added to the firewall, calls will not
have audio. Please refer to the MAXCS 7.5 ACM Administration Manual Appendix “Network
Ports” for instructions on how to identify these additional RTP ports.
Codec G.722 is part of a combo codec and is controlled by license.
1,000 G.711 voice-processing resources will be licensed to the system when one HMCP Media Server
license is registered.
Do not assign more codecs than the system can support. Doing so can degrade system performance.
The more VPRs you assign, the slower the system will be when it starts up. To calculate the optimized
number of VPRs you need, use the following formula:
o Total G.711 VPRs = Total number of local IP extensions
o Total G.711/G.722/G.723/729 VPRs = Total number of remote IP phone users + Total Tie
Trunk Channels that will use compressed codec
Parameters in IP Header
This panel is where you configure QoS and TTL assignments.
QoS assignment – IP TOS/DiffServ Byte Value. The default TOS/DiffServ byte hex value "A0"
(10100000) signals the network switch and router that RTP packets are "Critical". To set the value for
Diffserv Code Expedited Forwarding (DSCP EF), you can enter hex value "B8" (10111000).
TTL assignment – For IP paging multicasting only. The purpose of the TTL (Time To Live) is to
regulate how many hosts the IP paging packets can pass through. The TTL value is reduced by one on
every hop. You may need to adjust this value if there are remote AltiGen IP phones at different
locations that register to MAXCS through WAN and require the IP paging feature. The value will be the
number of routers from MAXCS to remote IP phone plus one.