Terms and notations used in this manual, Terms, Notations – Boltek NexStorm Lite User Manual
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Lightning Detection Software, Version 1.0
Thunderstorm Ranging and Acquisition subprocess.
a computational process used to determine strike locations.
Positive cloud to ground strike.
Negative cloud to ground strike.
Positive in cloud or intracloud strike.
Negative in cloud or intracloud strike.
Left-click or
Right-click indicates you should press the left or right mouse button, usually while the mouse pointer is
hovering over a specific location on the user interface.
Composite Vector Map – a proprietary scalable vector map format for use in NexStorm.
Within the contents of this manual NexStorm and NexStorm Lite are used interchangeably and refer to the
NexStorm Lite version which you have installed on disk.
Throughout this text there are shorthand notations used to indicate what you should do to access a specific
section of the user interface. For instance Options->Configuration->System means that you should select
Option from the main menu, then select Configuration from the drop-down menu, and finally select the
System tab in the Configuration dialog that subsequently opens. Configuration->System means exactly the
same thing, only here, the main menu item Options has been omitted and it is assumed that you know how
where to find the Configuration menu option.
Ctrl+[Letter] denotes shortcut keys. In the case of Ctrl+S you should press and hold the Ctrl-key while
simultaneously pressing the S key. This particular action will save your configuration settings without the need
to explicitly open the NexStorm menu and selecting ”Save settings”.
Words written in italic are in some cases used for sake of clarity to indicate a configurable function, a concept
used in the software or a particular menu option.
Edition: 5/L1
© 2007 Astrogenic Systems
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