Clear strikes, Replot strikes, Replay – Boltek NexStorm Lite User Manual
Page 14: Save settings, Hide when minimized, Start minimized, Start on login, Startup delay period, Exit
Lightning Detection Software, Version 1.0
Clear strikes
Clears the map display of all strike symbols that were drawn prior to the current time.
Replot strikes
Replots all strikes between current time and the Persistence limit
(Shortcut key: Ctrl+R)
Opens the archive player dialog that allows you to playback older archives. Refer to the
details on how to use this feature.
Save settings
(Shortcut key: Ctrl+S)
Will save your current settings and display a confirmation dialog if the save were performed successfully. The
changes you make in your configuration are saved every time you exit the program, you should use Save
settings to ensure that the settings are saved immediately after a change or your configuration changes might
disappear in case of a power outage or system crash.
Hide when minimized
Enable to place the NexStorm icon in the system tray when the application is minimized. Double click on the
NexStorm system tray icon to bring back its window to the desktop.
Start minimized
Enable to have NexStorm start minimized to the task bar or system tray instead of displaying the main
window when started.
Start on login
Enable to have NexStorm start automatically when you logon to your Windows desktop
Startup delay period
Add a startup delay period if you are experiencing problems with the receiver not connecting properly when
Start on login is used. These kind of problems can be related to driver misconfiguration or unexpected delays
in the driver startup. Using a delay period will allow the relevant driver to start up and initialize before
NexStorm attempts to access the receiver hardware for the first time.
Quit the program.
Edition: 5/L1
© 2007 Astrogenic Systems
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