Nexstorm lite and boltek ld-250 – Boltek NexStorm Lite User Manual
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Lightning Detection Software, Version 1.0
When NexStorm is used with the portable Boltek LD-250 detector model, the activity frame will change
appearance so that it displays GPS data relayed by the LD-250 instead of the strike type distribution table.
When run in LD-250 mode, one additional LD-250 specific menu item will be available under the Options
With the LD-250 it is currently not possible to capture raw signal data as is the case with PCI type detectors.
This is related to bandwidth limitations inherent in the communications port over which the LD-250
communicates with the PC and subsequently any interface application. Because of this limitation, which
prevents NexStorm from being able to classify stroke types, and the fact that LD-250 was designed with GPS
support, the activity frame strike type distribution table will be substituted by a GPS data information table
whenever the software is configured for usage with the LD-250 detector.
Subsequently, in those cases where a NMEA compatible GPS device is connected to the LD-250, NexStorm
will display selected GPS parameters in real time. Figure 2 shows how the activity frame will look if LD-250 is
configured as the detector model under the Configuration->Hardware tab and with no GPS connected.
Figure 2. LD-250 mode activity frame
Heading: Shows the current heading in degrees in which the antenna is pointing. This information is retrieved
from the NMEA GPGGA sentence. In addition to this reading, NexStorm can optionally draw a rotating
heading pointer on the map.
Speed: Shows your current speed in km/h, miles per hour or knots. Information is retrieved from the NMEA
GPRMC sentence.
Trip: A trip odometer showing the amount of distance traveled in kilometers, statue miles or nautical miles
depending on the distance unit setting. This odometer is application internal and can be reset by accessing
the LD-250 specific menu LD-250 settings under Options.
Edition: 5/L1
© 2007 Astrogenic Systems
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