IntelliTrack Inventory Shipping Receiving Picking (ISRP) User Manual
Page 43
Quick Start Guide
Works in a domain environment only.
Since IIS and SQL Server reside on different computers, you must
manually configure the IIS and SQL Server permissions.
This first manual IIS option shown below uses two computers: the Intelli-
Track workstation application, IIS and ActiveSync or Windows Mobile
Device Center software reside on the local computer; SQL Server resides
on a remote computer.
This following manual IIS RDA setup option uses three or more comput-
ers; the IntelliTrack workstation application and ActiveSync or Windows
Mobile Device Center software are installed on the local computer; IIS and
the workstation application are installed on a remote computer, SQL server
is installed on another remote computer.
Local Computer Contains:
--IntelliTrack Workstation
-- Microsoft ActiveSync or Windows
Remote Computer Contains:
-- SQL Server
Mobile Device Center software Page 35 Friday, July 8, 2011 3:44 PM