Trouble shooting (cont’d) – Fill-Rite 300V Series Fuel Transfer Pump User Manual

Page 10

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Pump won't

1. Suction line problem.

Check for leaks in suction line

2. Bypass valve open.

Remove and inspect valve; must move
freely & be free of debris.

3. Vanes sticking.

Check vanes and slots for nicks, burrs
and wear.*

4. Excessive rotor or vane

Inspect rotor & vanes for excessive wear
or damage; replace if necessary.*

5. Outlet blocked.

Check pump outlet, hose, nozzle & filter
for blockage.

6. Vapor Lock

Reduce vertical and horizontal distance
from pump to liquid; remove automatic

Low capacity.

1. Excessive dirt in screen.

Remove and clean screen.

2. Suction line problem.

Check suction line for leaks or
restrictions; it may be too small, too long
or not airtight.

3. Bypass valve sticking.

Remove and inspect valve; must move
freely & be free of debris.

4. Vanes sticking.

Check vanes and slots for wear.*

5. Excessive rotor or vane


Inspect rotor & vanes for excessive wear
or damage; replace if necessary.*

6. Hose or nozzle damage.

Replace hose or nozzle.

7. Plugged filter.

Replace filter.

8. Low fluid level.

Fill tank.

Pump runs

1. Incorrect voltage.

Check incoming line voltage while pump
is running.

2. Vanes sticking.

Inspect vanes and slots for nicks, burrs
and wear.*

3. Wiring problem.

Check for loose connections.

4. Motor problem.

Return to place of purchase.

Motor stalls.

1. Bypass valve sticking.

Remove and inspect valve; must move
freely & be free of debris.

2. Low voltage.

Check incoming line voltage while pump
is running.

3. Excessive rotor or vane

Check rotor & vanes for excessive wear
or damage.*

4. Debris in pump cavity.

Clean debris from pump cavity.

Motor overheats
tripped) .

1. Pumping high viscosity

These fluids can only be pumped for
short periods of time (less than 30
minutes duty cycle).

2. Clogged screen.

Remove and clean screen.

3. Restricted suction pipe.

Remove and clean pipe.

4. Motor failure.

Return to place of purchase.

5. Pump rotor lock-up.

Clean and check pump rotor and vanes.*


1.No power

Check incoming power.

2. Switch failure.

Return to place of purchase.

3. Motor failure.

Return to place of purchase.

4. Thermal protector failure.

Return to place of purchase.

5. Incorrect/loose wiring.

Check wiring.

Trouble Shooting (cont’d)