Intermec 700 User Manual

Page 439

background image



700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual

image dimension, 340
interleaved 2 of 5, 317
interleaved 2 of 5 user ID, 326
lighting mode, 341
macro PDF, 314
matrix 2 of 5, 318
matrix 2 of 5 user ID, 328
maxicode, 323
micro PDF417, 316
MSI, 313
MSI user ID, 326
PDF417, 314
PDF417 user ID, 326
plessey, 312
plessey user ID, 327
prefix, 330
QR code, 321
standard 2 of 5, 305
standard 2 of 5 user ID, 327
sticky aimer duration, 339
suffix, 331
telepen, 319
telepen user ID, 328
UPC-E user ID, 327
UPC-A user ID, 327
UPC/EAN, 307
virtual wedge, 343
virtual wedge code page, 349
virtual wedge grid, 348
virtual wedge postamble, 346
virtual wedge preamble, 344

vibrator, 22

Data Matrix, configuration parameter, 322
Date, setting, 395
Date/Time, configuration parameter, 393
DHCP, 194

replicating registry settings, 123

Display full screen, 241
Display specifications, 24
Dock switch, control panel applet, 366
Docks, modem support, 17

low battery shutdown, 6
maintenance, 6

Drawing mode, Pocket Word, 85
Drawing on the screen

See also Notes
Pocket Word, 85



communications, 205
installing, 204
opening, 205
removing, 204
writing to, 205


closing, 200
communications, 202
I/O controls, 201
installing, 199

opening, 200
reading from, 200
removing, 199
writing to, 200

O’Neil. See DTR printing

DTR printing, 204

closing driver, 205
communications, 205
opening driver, 205
removing driver, 204
writing to driver, 205

E-mail account, setting up an account, 116
E-mail server, getting connected, 116
EAN, configuration parameter, 307

13 user ID, 328
8 user ID, 328

Editing a profile, 373
Edition information, 28
Emails, SMS messages via Phone application

CDMA radios, 150
GSM radios, 156

Ending a connection, 116
Environmental specifications, 25
Epson Escape Sequences, 198
Error messages

comm port wedge, 214
tethered scanner, 214

ESN, location on computer, 165
Ethernet, communications setup, 134
ETSI GSM 07.05 interface specifications, 184
ETSI GSM 07.07 interface specifications, 184
Expansion slot specifications, 25

Favorite links, Pocket Internet Explorer, 96
File Explorer

adding programs to Start menu, 47
removing programs, 47
Windows Mobile, 44

Find feature, Windows Mobile, 44
Flash File Store

migrating applications, 128
packaging an application, 120

Flash file system, control panel applet, 367
Folder behavior connected to e-mail server

ActiveSync, 78
IMAP4, 78
POP3, 78
SMS, 78


configurable parameters

IDNATarget, 244
ManifestName, 244
Root, 244

heartbeat, 245
server, installing applications, 122

FTPDCMDS subdirectory, FTP support, 247