Customization and lockdown – Intermec 700 User Manual

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Chapter 7


700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual

Customization and Lockdown

Pocket PC (Windows Mobile) is a hardware specification created by
Microsoft Corporation. Devices that wish to carry the Pocket PC logo
must meet the minimum hardware requirements set in the Pocket PC spe-
cification. Manufacturers are free to add extra hardware functionality.
Pocket PC devices also use a specialized version of the CE operating sys-
tem. This operating system is built from Windows CE 4.2 but contains
customizations, most notably the lack of a desktop and the addition of the
Today Screen.
To carry the Pocket PC logo, all devices must be tested at an Independent
Test Laboratory. The ITL testing is done based on Microsoft require-
ments. The test lab then reports the findings back to Microsoft Corpora-
tion and Intermec Technologies. If the 700 Color Computer passed all
tests, Intermec is allowed to ship the device with the Pocket PC logo. Each
time the operating system is modified, Intermec must resubmit to ITL
This means we cannot change the operating system much and still be a
Pocket PC device. For example, if we remove Word from the Start menu,
the device would fail ITL testing and we would not be able to ship devices
with the Pocket PC logo.
Although many customers want a Pocket PC device, some customers
would prefer that their users not have access to all of the Pocket PC featu-
res. Intermec cannot customize the operating system in any way but a cus-
tom application can:

Delete items from the Start menu, and Programs folder. These items are just shortcuts in the file system so the ap-
plication is not really being deleted. Cold booting the device will bring these items back so the application will need
to be run on every cold boot.

Use the RegFlushKey() API to save a copy of the registry to a storage device. See the 700 Color Management Tools
portion for more information on how to do this. Saving a copy of the registry restores most system settings in a cold
boot situation.

Use the SHFullScreen() API in conjunction with other APIs to make the application take up the entire display and
prevent the start menu from being available.

Remap keys and disable keys on the keypad.

Create a custom SIP.

Make changes to the registry to configure the device.

Should you want your 700 Color Computer to display a full screen, keep
in mind that your computer is Pocket-PC certified by Microsoft Corpora-
tion. Check out resources on programming for the Pocket PC, using the
following links. These give full instructions on how to display full screen.

S Instructions on how to create a full screen application for eVC++ ap-

plications using an SHFullScreen() API:

S Instructions on how to create a full screen application for eVB applica-

tions also using the SHFullScreen() API: