Intermec 700 User Manual
Page 437

700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
Common Object Resource Environment. See CORE
DTR, 205
NPCP, 202
CompactFlash cards
card support, 21
installing applications, 122
migrating applications, 128
packaging an application, 120
specifications, 25
Computer shutdown, 6
Configuration parameters
1D OmniDir decode enable, 342
aimer LED duration, 338
automatic shutoff, 393
backlight timeout, 393
beeper, 333
frequency, 335
volume, 334
codabar, 306
user ID, 325
code 11, 320
user ID, 329
code 128, 309
FNC1 character, 311
user ID, 325
code 39, 304
user ID, 325
code 93, 308
length, 308
user ID, 326
datamatrix, 322
date/time, 393
13 user ID, 328
8 user ID, 328
good read
beep duration, 337
beeps, 336
contact, 359
location, 361
name, 360
image dimension, 340
interleaved 2 of 5, 317
user ID, 326
key clicks, 393
lighting mode, 341
macro PDF, 314
matrix 2 of 5, 318
user ID, 328
maxicode, 323
micro PDF417, 316
MSI, 313
user ID, 326
PDF417, 314
user ID, 326
plessey, 312
user ID, 327
prefix, 330
QR code, 321
encryption key, 356
read encryption, 354
read-only community string, 352
read/write community string, 353
write encryption, 355
SNMP, security subnet mask, 324
standard 2 of 5, 305
user ID, 327
sticky aimer duration, 339
suffix, 331
telepen, 319
user ID, 328
authentication, 357
threshold, 358
A user ID, 327
E user ID, 327
UPC/EAN, 307
virtual wedge, 343
code page, 349
grid, 348
postamble, 346
preamble, 344
volume, 393
Configuring service settings, Phone application, GSM ra-
dios, 157
Connecting to
an ISP, 100
e-mail server, 116
work, 104
Connecting to a mail server, via Inbox, 79
See also Getting connected
directly to e-mail server, 116
ending, 116
setting up an e-mail account, 116
to an ISP, 100
via modem, 100
to work, 104
via modem, 105
via VPN server, 113
via modem
to an ISP, 100
to work, 105
via VPN server, to work, 113
via wireless network, 108
Conserving battery power, 2