HTC DROID Eris PB00100 User Manual
Page 234

234 Index
Facebook and Flickr 69, 76
Favorite contacts 73
Folders 43
Footprints 189
- backing up 191
- creating 189
- deleting 190
- editing 190
- Revisiting 190
- widget 191
Friends list 153
- pin 154
Getting around your phone 35
Gmail 142
- create and send emails 143
- open 142
Google Maps 156
- find your location 157
- location source 156
- navigate 158
- open 157
- search 157, 158
- view 158
- zoom in or out 158
Google password 141
Google Talk 150
- add a friend 151
- change the settings 155
- change your status 151
- friends list 153
- sign in automatically 155
- sign out 156
- view and accept invitations 151
- customize 42
- extended Home screens 42
- installing Android applications 188
- installing HTC Sync 185
- setting up 185
- synchronizing Outlook contacts
and calendar events 187
HTC widget 43
Landscape onscreen keyboard 82
Language settings 207
Location Setting 51
Location source 156