HP Officejet 6000 User Manual
Page 165

physical 142
processor and memory 142
storage environment 145
system requirements 143
self-test diagnostic page 40
supplies 32
storage environment
specifications 145
ordering online 131
self-test diagnostic page 40
status 32
yields 142
support. See customer support
support process 134
system requirements 143
telephone customer
support 134
temperature specifications 145
cut off 77
jagged 94
meaningless characters 73
not filled in 83
smooth fonts 94
troubleshoot 68
Toolbox (Windows)
about 35
administrator settings 33
Estimated Ink Level tab 36
opening 36
Services tab 36
transparencies 19
capacity 22
media sizes supported 20
media types and weights
supported 22
tray 1
loading paper 24
locating 10
capacities 22
clearing jams 111
loading paper 24
locating 10
media sizes supported 20
paper guides illustration 10
troubleshoot feeding 99
blank pages printed 67
cut-off pages, incorrect text
or graphics placement 68
embedded Web server 100
media not picked up from
missing or incorrect
information 67
multiple pages are
picked 100
paper-feed problems 99
power 66
print 66
print quality 80
printer status page 39
skewed pages 100
slow print 66
tips 65
hardware installation
suggestions 108
installation issues 108
lights 124
print 69
software installation
suggestions 109
solve network problems 101,
wireless problems 102
two-sided printing 27
two-sided printing accessory.
See duplexer
uninstalling software
Mac OS X 54
Windows 52
USB connection
features available 12
port, locating 10, 12
setup (Mac OS X) 45
setup Windows 42
specifications 142
voltage specifications 145
warranty 137, 139
Web sites
accessibilty information 10
Apple 46
customer support 133
programs 152
ordering supplies and
accessories 131
resources, addtional 8
supply yield data sheet 142
wireless security 48
Add Printer installation 45
borderless printing 29
duplexing 27
HP Solution Center 37
installing software 42
network setup 44
printing on special or
custom-sized paper 27
printing settings 25
set up wireless
communication 48
sharing device 43
system requirements 143
turn accessories on and off
in driver 14
uninstalling software 52
wireless communication
802.11 network settings 47
ad hoc connection 49
advanced wireless
troubleshooting 103
basic wireless
troubleshooting 102
firewall 49
regulatory information 148
security 51
set up 46
set up, installer (Mac OS
set up, installer
(Windows) 48