99 0 m miix x b bu us s c ch ha an nn ne ells s – Harrison Labs MIXBUS V2.0.2 User Manual

Page 17

background image

There are 8 “mix bus” channels. These are fed from the mix bus sends of the input channels.



0 M


x B



s C









Section 9.0 - Mix Bus Channels

Mixbus User Guide

Polarity Invert Button
Click to invert the polarity of the signal.

Pre- and Post-fader redirects
Right-click here to add or remove redirects.
Redirects may be sends, insert paths, or plug-ins.
Redirects positioned above the “---Fader---” are
pre-fader and those positioned below are post-

Tape Saturation
The pointer meter indicates the amount of satura-
tion that is applied to the signal. Use the “Tape
Sat” knob to adjust the signal for the preferred ana-
log tone.

Compressor Section
There are 6 controls for the Harrison mix bus com-
pressor: The upper lighted button enables/disables
the compressor, while the lower engages the
sidechain. The triangular slider next to the fader
adjusts the threshold of the compressor. The
“speed” knob adjusts attack/release time. A knob
for make-up gain is provided. A Mode selector (“L”)
may be one of 3 options: Level, Compress, or
Limit. These modes accommodate the most com-
mon compression techniques. The bar to the right
of the threshold slider shows gain reduction in red.

Peak Meter
Mix bus channels are stereo and show dual meter

Peak Hold Value
Double-click on the peak hold value to clear it.

Name button

Click to rename or other utility functions.

Sidechain (SC) input button

Click to select an audio signal which will be routed

into the compressor sidechain.

Plug-in Controls

Controls from the plug-ins can be mapped here for

quick access. The number of control slots available

depends upon the resolution of the computer

screen. A higher resolution will yeld more slots.

Tone section

The lighted button in the the top-left corner is used

to enable or disable the tone controls. Mix bus

channels provides 3 bands of tone control: low

shelving, mid bell, and high shelving.

Master Assign (MSTR) and Pan

Click MSTR button to assign the mix bus signal

directly to the master channel. Pan control adjusts

the Left/Right balance to the master bus.

Mute, Solo, and Mix Bus Slate

Displays the track name and values as knobs are

adjusted. Use Track Name to change the slate.

Ctrl/Cmd+click on slate to change channel width

between narrow/wide in the mixer window.

Fader Automation

Allows the user to select the fader automation

mode – Manual, Play, Write or Touch.

Fader Level Display

Fader level can also be set by entering a value.

Mix Group (Grp) and Meter Controls

The Grp button allows faders to be assigned to Mix

Groups which links fader, solo, and mute controls.

The meter point button selects between input, pre-

fader and post-fader.