RIGOL MSO/DS1000Z Series User Manual

Page 179

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Chapter 8 Protocol Decoding


MSO1000Z/DS1000Z User’s Guide


View: select the display form of the event table. If "Packets" is selected, the

time and data are displayed in the event table; if "Details" is selected, the

detailed data of the specified row will be displayed in the event table; if

"Payload" is selected, all data of the specified column will be displayed in the

event table. When different view is selected, the export format of the data table

will change accordingly.
Data: select the data column to be viewed in the "Details" or "Payload" view.

During SPI decoding, if the MISO and MOSI data lines are set at the same time,

you can specify to display the data of MISO or MOSI.
Order: select the display type of decoding result in the event table to "Ascend"

or "Descend".
Export: if a USB storage device is currently connected to the instrument, press

this softkey to export the data table to the external USB storage device in CSV

format ("Packets" is selected) or HEX format ("Payload" or "Details" is selected).

13. Decoding Configuration

Press Configure to enter the decoding configuration submenu.

 Press Label to enable or disable the label display function. When "ON" is

selected, the bus label will be displayed at the upper left of the bus (the bus

display is turned on).

 Press Line to enable or disable the bus display function. When "ON" is

selected, the bus will be displayed on the screen. You can use "Pos" to

adjust the vertical display position of the bus.

 Press Format to enable or disable the format display function. When "ON"

is selected, the current bus display format will be displayed on the right side

of the label display (the bus display is turned on). You can use "Format" to

set the display format of the bus.

 Press Endian to enable or disable the endian display function. When "ON" is

selected, the current bus endian will be displayed on the right side of the

format display (the bus display is turned on). You can use "Order" to set the

bus endian.

 Press Width to enable or disable the width display function. When "ON" is

selected, the number of digits per frame data will be displayed on the right

side of the endian display (the bus display is turned on). You can use

"Width" to set the number of digits per frame data.

Dig.Sa menu displays the current digital sample rate which relates to the

data source selected currently. When the data source is "Trace", the digital

sample rate relates to the horizontal time base.


By default, MSO1000Z/DS1000Z uses "Trace" as the data source.