RIGOL MSO/DS1000Z Series User Manual
Page 148
Chapter 6 MATH and Measurement
MSO1000Z/DS1000Z User’s Guide
BY: the Y value at cursor B. Y value takes the channel GND of CH1 as reference.
Its unit is the same as that of the current signal source.
BX-AX: the horizontal difference between cursors A and B.
BY-AY: the vertical difference between cursors A and B.
|dX|: when the horizontal unit is set to "s", |dX| represents the time difference
between cursor A and cursor B; when the horizontal unit is set to "Hz", |dX|
represents the frequency difference between cursor A and cursor B.
1/|dX|: the frequency difference between cursor A and cursor B.
When the measurement source is set to LA, the form of the measurement results is
as shown in the figure below if the horizontal unit is set to "s".
AX: the X value at cursor A. X value takes the trigger position as reference.
D15-D0: display the logic level values at cursor A (D15-D0 from left to right) in
hexadecimal forms. If the digital channel is currently turned off, it will be
denoted by "*".
BX: the X value at cursor B. X value takes the trigger position as reference.
D15-D0: display the logic level values at cursor B (D15-D0 from left to right) in
hexadecimal forms. If the digital channel is currently turned off, it will be
denoted by "*".
For the introductions of BX-AX, |dX| and 1/|dX|, refer to the introductions in "When
the measurement source is set to CH1-CH4 or MATH".
If needed, please refer to the following steps to modify the parameters of manual
cursor measurement.
1. Select Cursor Type
Press Select to select "
" or "
: the X cursors are a pair of vertical solid (cursor A)/dotted (cursor B)
lines and are usually used to measure time parameters.
: the Y cursors are a pair of horizontal solid (cursor A)/dotted
(cursor B) lines and are usually used to measure voltage parameters.
When the current measurement source is LA, the cursor type is
" and cannot be set.
2. Select Measurement Source
Press Source to select the waveform of the analog channels (CH1-CH4), math
operation results (MATH) or LA waveform for measurement.
Only channel currently enabled can be selected.