Math operation, Addition, Math operation -2 – RIGOL MSO/DS1000Z Series User Manual

Page 116: Addition -2

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Chapter 6 MATH and Measurement


MSO1000Z/DS1000Z User’s Guide

Math Operation

MSO1000Z/DS1000Z can realize various math operations, including:
 Algebra operations: A+B, A-B, A×B and A/B
 Spectrum operation: FFT
 Logic operations: A&&B, A||B, A^B and !A
 Function operations: Intg, Diff, Sqrt, Lg, Ln, Exp and Abs
 Fx operations: combination of two operations. For the details, please refer to the

introduction in "Fx Operation".

The results of math operation also allow further measurement.

Press MATHMathOperator in the vertical control area (VERTICAL) at the
front panel to select the desired operation function. Press Operation to enable the

operation. The result of math operation is displayed on the waveform marked with

"M" on the screen.


Add the waveform voltage values of signal source A and B point by point and display

the results.

Press MATHMathOperator to select "A+B":
 Press Operation to enable or disable the addition operation function.
 Press SourceA and SourceB to select the desired channels (CH1, CH2, CH3,

CH4 or fx (please refer to the introduction in "

Fx Operation")).

 Press Offset and use

to adjust the vertical position of the operation results.

 Press Scale and use

to adjust the vertical scale of the operation results.

 Press Scale Reset to adjust the vertical scale of the operation results to the

optimal value according to the current configuration.

 Press Options to set the start and end points of the operation results, enable or

disable waveform invert, etc.

Press Start and use

to set the start point of the operation results.

Press End and use

to set the end point of the operation results.

Press Invert to enable or disable the inverted display function of the


Press Auto Scale to enable or disable the auto scale function. When auto

scale is enabled, the instrument will adjust the vertical scale of the

operation results to the optimal value according to the current


Press fx Operator, fx A and fx B to set the operator and signal sources of

the inner layer operation of Fx operation (please refer to the introduction in

"Fx Operation").