Xy mode, Xy mode -2 – RIGOL MSO/DS1000Z Series User Manual

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Chapter 6 MATH and Measurement


MSO1000Z/DS1000Z User’s Guide

XY Mode

XY mode is only available when the horizontal time base mode is "XY". In this mode,

two pairs of cursors will appear. You can adjust the cursor positions and the

instrument will automatically calculate the chord length and curvature of the ellipses

corresponding to the crossing points of the two pairs of cursor lines.

Press CursorMode  "XY" to enable the XY mode cursor measurement function.
The measurement results are displayed at the upper left corner of the screen in the

following mode.

 AX: the X value at cursor AX.
 AY: the Y value at cursor AY.
 BX: the X value at cursor BX.
 BY: the Y value at cursor BY.
 BX-AX: the horizontal difference between cursors BX and


 BY-AY: the vertical difference between cursors BY and AY.
 dX*dY: the product of the horizontal difference between

cursors BX and AX times the vertical difference between

cursors BY and AY.

 dX/dY: the quotient of the horizontal difference between

cursors BX and AX divided by the vertical difference

between cursors BY and AY.

 absAA: the chord length of the crossing point of cursors

AX and AY relative to the center point. The center point is

defined as the crossing point of the horizontal position

(X-axis) and the vertical position (Y-axis) of two channel labels on the screen as

shown in Figure 6-8.

 absAB: the chord length of the crossing point of cursors AX and BY relative to

the center point.

 absBA: the chord length of the crossing point of cursors BX and AY relative to

the center point.

 absBB: the chord length of the crossing point of cursors BX and BY relative to

the center point.

 argAA: the angle between X-axis and absAA. The range is from -180° to +180°.
 argAB: the angle between X-axis and absAB. The range is from -180° to +180°.
 argBA: the angle between X-axis and absBA. The range is from -180° to +180°.
 argBB: the angle between X-axis and absBB. The range is from -180° to +180°.