RISCO Group ProSYS – ACM User Manual
Page 20

Advanced Communication Module
Appendix - C: Common Terms and Definitions
Short for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol; a
protocol for assigning dynamic IP addresses to
devices on the network.
Domain Name
An internet service that translates domain names
into IP addresses
Domain Name
Domain names are typically in a three-level format.
The top level denotes the type of organization, e.g.
“com” or “edu”; the second level is the top level
plus the organization name and the third level
identifies a specific host server at the address, such
as the “www”. A domain name is ultimately mapped
to an IP address, but two or more domain names
can be mapped to the same IP address.
The unique name that identifies an Internet site.
Domain Names always have 2 or more parts,
separated by dots, e.g. www.riscogroup.com
Telecommunications networking protocol;
a standard computer interconnection method with a
data rate of 100 megabits per second . The original
specification requires coaxial cable as the
communications medium, but costs have been
reduced through the employment of simple paired
IP Address
Number that uniquely identifies each computer on
the Internet.
A combination of hardware and software that links
two types of networks.
Communications network consisting of many
computers within a local area, such as a single
building or company complex
Device connected to a network, e.g. client, server,
hub, ACM module etc.
Two or more computers and peripheral equipment
(e.g., printers) that are connected with one another
for the purpose of exchanging data electronically.
Hardware interface by which a Computer
communicates with another device or system
Short for Post Office Protocol; a protocol used to
retrieve an e-mail from a mail server.