Casio MPC-701 User Manual
Page 12

System Recovery
• This product comes with Windows 2000 operating system and a
collection of utility software pre-installed on its hard disk. Should the
system start to malfunction or produce errors, you can use the
“Product Recovery CD-ROM” that comes with FIVA to restore the
factory default system. This returns FIVA the same settings and
state it was in when you originally purchased it.
Computer Viruses
Avoiding Computer Viruses
A computer virus is a program. It gets installed on your system
without you being aware of it, and can do anything from displaying
strange messages to destroying your data and other programs. A
virus can enter your system via a floppy diskette or network. Taking
the following precautions are normally sufficient to protect against
having a virus invade your system.
• Write protect the master copies of your programs and data files.
• Never open data files or run programs of unknown origin.
• Use a commercially available virus checker to check new
programs, and periodically check your system for virus
Use the latest version of a commercially available virus
checker to check your system.
An immediate virus check is recommended in the following cases.
• Check your system each time you start up your computer.
• Check any data file or program you received on a floppy diskette or
other external media, over a network, from a BBS or the Internet,
via e-mail, etc. before opening the file or running the program.
02.11.22, 10:09 AM