6 commissioning, 2 commissioning a small-scale pv system, 1 commissioning a large-scale pv power plant with – SMA SPEEDWIRE V.1.6 User Manual

Page 20: Cluster controller

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6  Commissioning

SMA Solar Technology AG



Installation Manual

6 Commissioning

6.1 Commissioning a Large-Scale PV Power Plant with

Cluster Controller


☐ Speedwire/Webconnect data modules must be installed in the inverters (see Section 5.3,

page 16).

☐ Speedwire/Webconnect data modules must be connected (see Section 5.4, page 18).
☐ The Cluster Controller must be connected to the Speedwire network in accordance with the

desired network topology (see installation manual of the Cluster Controller).


1. Commission all inverters (see inverter installation manual).
2. For optimum operation of large-scale PV power plants with Cluster Controller, deactivate the

Webconnect function of the inverters with installed Speedwire/Webconnect data module
(see user manual of the Cluster Controller). In large-scale PV power plants with
Cluster Controller, communication with Sunny Portal takes place via the Cluster Controller itself.

6.2 Commissioning a Small-Scale PV System


☐ Speedwire/Webconnect data modules must be installed in the inverters (see Section 5.3,

page 16).

☐ Speedwire/Webconnect data module must be connected (see Section 5.4, page 18).
☐ There must be a router with Internet connection in the local network of the system.
☐ At least one inverter must be connected to the router.
☐ If the IP addresses in the local network are to be assigned dynamically, DHCP must be activated

in the router (see the router manual). If you do not want to use DHCP or your router does not
support DHCP, use either SMA Connection Assist or Sunny Explorer to integrate the inverters
with the Speedwire/Webconnect data module into your network (see Section 2.4 "Supported
Products", page 10)


1. Commission all inverters (see inverter installation manual).
2. For systems in Italy, in order to activate reception of control signals from the grid operator in the

Speedwire/Webconnect data module, carry out the following steps:

• Connect with Sunny Explorer (see Section 6.3.2, page 22).
• Enter your personal SMA Grid Guard code in Sunny Explorer (see Sunny Explorer help).