12 quick guide – HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 (340 49x-05) Pilot User Manual

Page 12

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Quick Guide

Defining circular pocket

Enter machining step: Press the INSERT soft key

Enter machining

Enter pocket machining: Press the POCKETS/STUDS soft
key, the TNC displays a soft key row with the available
milling operations

Select circular pocket: Press the UNIT 252 soft key. The
TNC displays the form for a circular pocket operation. The
machining operation is set to roughing and finishing

Specify tool: Press the soft key SELECT, the TNC displays
the contents of the tool table TOOL.T in a pop-up window

Move the highlight onto the end mill with the cursor keys
and enter it into the form with the ENT key

Enter the spindle speed and confirm entry with the ENT key

Enter the plunge feed rate and confirm with the ENT key

Enter the milling feed rate and confirm with the ENT key

Enter the circular pocket diameter and confirm with the ENT

Enter depth, plunging depth and finishing allowance for the
side and confirm each time with the ENT key

Enter X and Y center point coordinates for the circular
pocket, confirm each with the ENT key

Save the form with the END key. Definition of the circular
pocket operation is complete

Test and run the newly created program as previously

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