Z coupling (turning applications only), Enabling z coupling, Disabling z coupling – HEIDENHAIN ND 522 User Manual
Page 67: I - 4 tu rn ing specific oper ations

ND 522/523
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Z Coupling (turning applications only)
The ND 522/523 Turning application provides a quick method for
coupling the Z0, and Z axis position on a 3 axis system. The display can
be coupled in either the Z, or Z0 displays.
Enabling Z Coupling
To couple the Z0, and Z axis, and have the result displayed on the Z0
display, press, and hold the Z0 key approximately 2 seconds. The sum
of the Z positions will be displayed on the Z0 display, and the Z display
will be blanked.
To couple the Z0, and Z axis, and have the result displayed on the Z
display, press, and hold the Z key for approximately 2 seconds. The
sum of the Z positions will be displayed on the Z display, and the Z0
display will be blanked. The coupling is preserved in between power
Moving either Z0, or Z inputs will update the coupled Z position.
When a position is coupled, the reference mark for both encoders
must be found in order to recall the previous datum.
Disabling Z Coupling
To disable Z Coupling, press the axis key of the display that is blank.
The individual Z0, and Z display positions will be restored.