Save and load data (5f and df) commands, Effects addresses, Reg number – Grass Valley Switcher Products User Manual

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Switcher Products — Protocols Manual

Section 2 — Editor Protocol

Save and Load Data (5F and DF) Commands

An editor may request the switcher to save an E-MEM register to a disk file
on the switcher using a specified file name. At a later time the editor may
request that the disk file be loaded to a specified E-MEM register. There is
a separate message type for each of these operations. The message specifies
the E-MEM register number and an option field followed by a null termi-
nated text file name. The effects address specifies whether E-MEM data or
configuration (either suite prefs or user prefs) are saved or loaded. An
“Ack” is returned if a valid command is received. Use Status Request
Command (6D) to determine if the file operation is successful.

Effects Addresses

Valid effects addresses for the Save and Load Data commands defined in

Table 76

are new.

Reg Number

The value in this byte is a register number from 0 to 99 (decimal).


The name is a null terminated string from 1 to 250 bytes long that specify a
path name for the E-MEM file to be loaded or saved. The name specified is
appended to the string “C:\EMEM\” to form the complete path name. If
the editor supplies no name (a single zero byte) the Editor protocol uses a
default name of “EDITOR”, so that the complete path name on the switcher

The file name is automatically generated by the switcher and is of the form
“REGnnn.EMM”, where nnn is the decimal register number.

Table 75. Save and Load Data Commands


Byte Count

Effects Address

Command Code


Save Data

06H to FFH



Reg Number, Opt(2bytes),

Name (up to 250 bytes)

Load Data

06H to FFH



Reg Number, Opt(2bytes),

Name (up to 250 bytes)

Table 76. Effects Addresses - Save and Load Data Commands

Effects Address


Byte Format Reference

Save Option

Load Option


All E-MEM Levels

Table 77

Table 83


Source Mem

Table 78

Table 84



Table 79

Table 85


System Config

Table 80

Table 86


Suite Prefs

Table 81

Table 87


User Prefs

Table 82

Table 88