Amped Wireless APR175P - ProSeries High Power AC1750 Wi-Fi Access Point / Router User Manual
Page 78

Multicast Rate: Adjust the transfer rate for multicast packets or choose the “auto” setting.
Beacon Interval: Indicates the frequency interval of the beacon. A beacon is a packet broadcast by the router
to synch the wireless network.
Station Idle Timeout: This feature will disconnect connected devices that are no longer active based on a set
interval of time.
WLAN Proxy for Power Saving: The Access Point will send an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packet instead
of STA packets to map IP addresses so that network devices do not need to awake from power saving mode to
reply to the ARP packages from the Access Point. This feature only works when the Access Point’s DHCP server
is enabled.
WLAN Integrity: This feature will ping the target IP/URL every 60 seconds to verify that a connection is active.
If the ping fails five times consecutively, all of the SSIDs for the 5.0GHz radio will all be disabled. Thereafter,
the Access Point will continue to ping the target IP every 60 seconds and will automatically turn on all SSIDs
once the ping is successful. By default the Target IP will be the DNS or Gateway IP of the active Internet