Vx320video, 17564 – switch connection status broadcast, 17565 – port settings (localhost only) – Thinklogical Router Interfaces User Manual

Page 14: 17566 – hardware status

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17564 – Switch Connection Status Broadcast

32-bits, VxRouter's primary IP address

16-bits, 0 for the Upper (only) VxRouter chassis

16-bits, first port number in the list (list starts from 1, not 0)

16-bits, last port number in the list

N * 16-bits, the input port that is connected to output port X, zero means the port is NOT


c0 a8 0d 19 00 00 00 01 01 40 00 11 00 12…

IP address =
Chassis = 0
First Port number = 1
Last Port number = 320 (


Output 1 is connected to input 17 (


Output 2 is connected to input 18 (


17565 – Port Settings (localhost only)

320 sets of the following data:

(8 bits) output level

0 is off

(8 bits) input level

(16 bits) connected to input port number, starting from 0, big-endian format

A 'C' data structure for this would be:

struct s_block {

unsigned char output_level;

unsigned char input_level;
unsigned short

connectedTo; /* assumes a short is 16 bits */

} data_block [320];

17566 – Hardware Status

Reserved for future use.

Nov 3, 2014

Router Interfaces: VX320Video
