Dynamics effects, Note about restrictions on the use of built-in, Effects dynamics effects – Teac UH-7000 User Manual

Page 20: 5 – mixer panel settings, Effects page

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5 – Mixer Panel Settings


Make built-in effects settings on this page.


The EFFECTS page settings are retained even when the unit

is turned off.


Dynamics effect tab

Click the tab of the dynamics effect that you want to use to

show its settings tab.



For details about each dynamics effect, see “Dynamics

effects” on page 20.


Parameter knobs

Use the mouse to click and drag a parameter knob up or

down to adjust it.
The values of adjusted parameters are shown above their

For details about each effect parameter, see “Dynamics

effects” on page 20 and “Send effect” on page 22.


Dynamics effect on/off button and indicator

Click the name or indicator of the dynamics effect that is

currently being shown to turn it on or off.
When a dynamics effect is on its name lights.


With one exception explained below, only one dynamics

effect can be used at a time. For this reason, if you turn on

a different dynamics effect, the dynamics effect that you

are currently using will automatically be turned off. The

exception, however, is that when the sampling frequency is

44.1 kHz or 48 kHz, both the LIMITER and LOW CUT effects

on the LIMITER/LOW CUT page can be used at the same

time. When using these two effects at the same time, the

send effect cannot be used.

Turning the dynamics effect on/off on this page is linked to

the dynamics effect on/off setting on the MIXER page.

Turning it on will not be possible when an effect cannot be

used because of sampling frequency conditions.


Reverb type switch

This unit's REVERB effect has five types.
Click the name of a reverb type to use it. The selected reverb

type name will light.
For details about each parameter, see “Send effect” on page



Send effect on/off button and indicator

Click the name or indicator of the send effect (reverb) that is

currently being shown to turn it on or off.
When the send effect is on, its name lights.


Turning the send effect on/off on this page is linked to the

send effect on/off setting on the MIXER page.

Turning it on will not be possible when an effect cannot be

used because of sampling frequency conditions.

Note about restrictions on the use of built-in


The number of built-in effects that can be used is restricted

according to the sampling frequency.

When set to 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz, one dynamics effect and

one send effect each can be used. The one exception is that

the LIMITER and LOW CUT dynamics effects on the LIMITER/

LOW CUT tab can also both be used at the same time. When

using these two effects at the same time, the send effect

cannot be used.

When the sampling frequency is 88.2 kHz or 96 kHz, only

one type of effect (either dynamics or send) can be used.

(Turning an effect on will automatically turn off in the other

effect that is on.)

When the sampling frequency is 176.4 kHz or 192 kHz, no

effects can be used.

Dynamics effects



When the input volume exceeds the THRESHOLD level, the input

volume is compressed, reducing output volume variation.
For example, by reducing the levels of sounds that are high

level, lower level sounds become relatively louder, creating

a more even volume level throughout and a more sustained

In the COMPRESSOR tab, the three meters show the level of the

signal input to the compressor (INPUT), the level of the signal

output from the compressor (OUTPUT) and the gain reduction

caused by the compressor (GR).


Sets the threshold level that will cause the effect to start.

Range: −32 dB–0 dB (default: −12 dB)

RATIO knob

Sets the compression ratio for the input volume.
Turning it right raises the compression ratio, increasing

the amount of compression.

Range: 1.0:1–inf:1 (default: 2.0:1)


Sets the amount of time until the compression reaches

the compression RATIO setting after the input volume

exceeds the threshold.

Range: 2 ms–200 ms (default: 20 ms)