Setting the format of file names, File name format, Setting the word item – Teac DR-V1HD User Manual

Page 82: File name format setting the word item, はじめに, はじめに 82, 10 – making other settings and viewing information

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10 – Making other settings and viewing information

Setting the format of file names

Use the FILE NAME item on the Setup screen to set the format of

names given automatically to recorded files (video, audio and photo).

1. Press the MENU button to open the MENU screen.
2. Use the Pointing Stick to select SETUP and press the center of the

Pointing Stick to open the Setup screen.

3. Press 5 and b to select FILE NAME and press t or the center of

the Pointing Stick to open the FILE NAME screen.

4. Press g and t to change the selection, and press up and down to set

each item.

5. Press the F1(

) button (SET) to confirm a change and return to the



Press the F3/HOME button (INC CLEAR) to restart the automatic numbering

added to incremented file names.

File name format

Set the TYPE item to WORD or DATE.

WORD : (Default) The 6 characters set in the WORD item are used as the

beginning of each file name.

Example :


The date is used as the beginning of each file name in a

yymmdd format.

Example :


The date is set using the unit’s internal clock. (See “Setting the date and time”

on page 31.)

Setting the WORD item

Select the WORD item, and use g or t to move the cursor. Press 5 and b

to set the characters.
In addition to the English alphabet and numbers, the following characters can

be used:

! # $ % & ’ ( ) + , - . ; = @ [] ^ _ ` { } .