Super Systems 9130 Series User Manual

Page 73

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Series 9130 Operations Manual Rev -


Full scale
This is the full scale value. Clicking on this value will display an input box from which the user can select a
new value. The range is –32768 to 32767.

Decimal Point Location
This is the decimal point location value. This will affect the PV value and the location of the decimal when it
is displayed. Clicking on this value will display an input box from which the user can select a new value.
The range is 0 to 4.

Open Input
This is the open TC value. Clicking on this value will toggle between up scale, down scale, one trip point,
and two trip points.

Input Offset
The input offset value is algebraically added to the input value to adjust the input curve on read-out. The
range is –5000 to 5000.

Trip Point 1 Setpoint
This is the trip point 1 setpoint value in °F. The trip point is used as a way to ensure that the probe is still
working properly and that there is not a problem with the furnace that could ruin the load. If the probe
takes a measurement in conflict with the trip point, the reading will automatically be forced to the Trip
Point Force Value. This will cause the system to set off an alarm so that the operator will be aware there is
a problem. The range is –32768 to 32768.

Trip Point 1 Force Value
This is the trip point 1 force value. This value is used when the probe begins reading values in conflict with
the trip point. Although the probe will still be taking measurements, the 9130 controller will use the force
value as the input so that an alarm will be set off. The range is –32768 to 32768.

Trip Point 1 Direction
This is the trip point 1 direction. The options are: input above setpoint or input below setpoint. If input
above setpoint is chosen, then the force value will be used when the probe begins measuring above the trip
point setpoint. If input below setpoint is chosen, then the force value will be used when the probe begins
measuring below the trip point setpoint.

Trip Point 2 Setpoint
This is the trip point 2 setpoint value. The range is –32768 to 32768.

Trip Point 2 Force Value
This is the trip point 2 force value. The range is –32768 to 32768.

Trip Point 2 Direction
This is the trip point 2 direction. The options are: input above setpoint or input below setpoint.

High Input Limit Setpoint
This is the setpoint for the high input limit. The setpoint cannot be assigned any value above this. The
range is –32768 to 32768.

High Input Limit Hysteresis
This is the hysteresis for the high input limit. The hysteresis cannot be assigned any value above this. The
range is –32768 to 32768.