Ecipe – Super Systems 9130 Series User Manual
Page 18

Series 9130 Operations Manual Rev -
The Data option will show the trend data as a data grid instead of the trend lines on a chart. This
functionality is exactly the same as if the user pressed the Datagrid View button -
- from the chart
Exit will close out the sub-menu without selecting an item.
Pressing the red ‘X’ in the top right-hand corner of the screen will take the user back to the status screen.
Pressing the Recipe button on the main status screen displays
the recipe screen, which will allow the user to load up an existing
recipe and start it, or see the currently running recipe.
The recipe screen shows the last program loaded into the
program run buffer and its status. If the program is running, the
active step number is highlighted green. When the step is
highlighted green, then the recipe is running on that step. When
a step is highlighted yellow, the recipe is in hold on that step. A
red Acknowledge button in the bottom left corner of the screen
displays an alarm condition.
Note – the main status screen will
also show the recipe running status, as well as run time and
remaining time for the step as well as the entire recipe
The recipe screen has a total of seven buttons that will allow the user to load up a recipe, as well as control
the recipe and acknowledge an alarm.
The Advance button will advance the recipe to the next step in the recipe. The user will need to
confirm the advance command.
The Hold button places the displayed recipe program in hold. Once a decision is made that
affects the recipe, it may be continued by pressing the Resume button.
Note – When a recipe is
put into hold status, the text on the Hold button will change to “Resume”. When the step is
started up again, the text on the button will change back to “Hold”
. When a recipe step is in a
hold status, the step will be highlighted yellow. The user will need to confirm the hold or
resume command.
The Stop button stops the recipe program that is currently running. Stop means exactly that! It
stops the program. It is NOT a hold button. See the description for the hold button above. To re-
start the program if it has been stopped you must use the Load button, enter the recipe
number, and then highlight the segment number of the recipe that you want to start with and
start the recipe again. The user will need to confirm the stop command.
The Soak button allows you to enter a new value for the time remaining in the current soak or
ramp cycle only – future soak or ramp cycle times cannot be modified. The step must be a soak
or ramp cycle for a change in soak/ramp time to be adjusted.
The Acknowledge button will acknowledge the alarm. In
most cases, it will be acknowledging
end of soak
. The
alarm must be acknowledged to allow the program to go
to the next step.
Note – The Acknowledge button is only
visible when an alarm condition is present. Once the
condition is acknowledged, the Acknowledge button will
become invisible again