Appendix, Appendix a – Smithy Ez-Trol2 User Manual
Page 81
This operation is done when you need to measure the tools using the machine to determine
the tool length based on a reference tool.
Follow the procedures as described below:
1. First set up your reference tool in the Settings Tab of EZ-Trol II. Set Tool 1 as your
reference tool. The Pocket field will be used to denote your tool number. While EZ-Trol II
does not use FMS, this field needs to be the same as the pocket number for the program
to execute.
In the Setting Tab, edit Tool 1 so that it has the following values:
Pocket = 1
FMS = 1
Length = 0
2. Put the tool (Tool 1) and its holder into the spindle. In the Manual Tab jog the Z-Axis
down just until it’s barely over that part. A piece of paper can be used as a gauge between
the end of the tool and the part and should move freely between the end of the cutter and
the workpeice.
3. Once in position, teach the machine the Z-Axis position. Typically the G54 offset is used
to do this. Click the Offset Tab and click on Teach making sure that the G54 offset is
4. Click on the Manual Tab to make sure that this value is 0. All other tools will use this
tool as their reference.
5. Jog your Z-Axis up until Tool 1 has cleared the part and remove Tool 1. Insert you new
tool and its holder (Tool 2) into the spindle. Jog the Z-Axis down until it just barely
touches the part. You may use the paper test again to make sure that you can slide it
easily between the end of the tool and the work piece as in Step 2.
6. Once this is done, note the Z-Axis position on the screen and record that in the LEN field
for Tool 2.
If the tool length is longer than Tool 1, the figure will be positive. If it is shorter the figure
will be negative. Since many times Tool 1 is a center drill, most tool lengths tend to be a
positive number.
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