Smithy Ez-Trol2 User Manual
Page 49
It also lists other important operations that you can use in order to create and save a G-code pro-
The first step in using the wizard is to go to “General Settings” and set the preliminary parameters
for the file you will build in the Wizard. Options under General Settings effect all G-codes generat-
ed by Wizards you load in the program.
Figure 12.3 Wizards General Settings Screen
In the Tools section you build up the list of tools you want to use in the Wizard operations.
• The Add button inserts a blank row to let you specify a new tool.
• The Delete button will delete the currently highlighted tool.
• Clicking the Import button populates this tool based on existing Tool table of the EZ-Trol
Settings tab.
• Export button lets you transfer all the tool information from this tool table to the EZ-Trol
Settings tab.
Figure 12.4 Wizards Tools Selection Screen
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