Sierra Video SVG Multi-Viewer User Manual

Page 80

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Audio Monitor Selection (V2.3715S and later)

Any individual audio input can be embedded in the HDMI or HDSDI output from each
HDHDMI Output Module connected to each display for monitoring purposes. Serial
selection is made by choosing which audio source is embedded for each monitor's
speakers. There are forty unique serial commands.

Data Structure for Audio Monitoring: header, screen, sound, slot, channel

AA 55

10 11 12

Screen: 1=Main, 2=Second

Sound: 0=mute, 1=on

Slot=1, 2, 3, 4, S, M

Channel: 1, 2, 3, 4

The serial commands for Audio Monitoring selection must be Hex data strings with the
following structure:

| header | screen | command_1 | parameter_1 |command_2 | parameter| crc32 |

The crc32 check is not currently used and can be omitted

The Hex data string below is for selection of HDMI and HDSDI embedded Audio
Monitoring for Screen #1 (01 main output module), with sound ON (01), using input
module in Slot A (41), and listening to input #1 (01).

Protocol is Hex data string

0xAA,0x55, 0x10,0x01, 0x11,0x01, 0x12,0x41, 0x13,0x01

The SVG Extended Settings must be set to:

Baud Rate: 9600

Parity Check: None

Template & Audio monitoring check box must be checked