Commonly used switching commands, Y” command- all levels, X” command- specify levels – Sierra Video Ponderosa 3G Series Routing Switcher User Manual

Page 102: V” command- connect levels

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Commonly Used Switching Commands

This section contains the most commonly used switching commands. These commands
are explained in detail in the proceeding section and are merely meant as a “short cut” for

“Y” Command- All Levels

The “Y” command switches all levels (i.e. video and audio).

For example;


This string says that input 8 is to be connected to output 2 on all levels.

“X” Command- Specify Levels

Using the “X” command requires that a level is specified.

For example;

**X8, 3, 2!!

This string says that a connection is to be made between output 8 and input 3 on level 2.
If a level number of “0” is used, all levels are switched.

“V” Command- Connect Levels

The “V” command is followed by an output number, a comma, and an input number for
each level, up to the number of levels on the router.

For example;

**V12, 7, 8, 9!!

This string says that connections are to be made to output 12 from input 7 on level 1,
input 8 on level 2, and input 9 on level 3.