RJS Inspector D4000 Laser (FIRMWARE version A.05 and Earlier) User Manual
Page 72

Appendix K
s Guide
RJS, Minneapolis, MN
Maximum Element Reflectance Nonuniformity (ERN max)
The largest element reflectance non-uniformity in a scan reflectance profile.
Maximum Reflectance (Rmax)
The largest reflectance value in a scan reflectance profile.
Minimum Edge Contrast (Ecmin)
The smallest edge contrast in a scan reflectance profile.
Minimum Reflectance (Rmin)
The smallest reflectance value in a scan reflectance profile.
A condition that occurs when the data output of a reader does not agree with the encoded
Modulo Check Character
The mod check character is included in the string of data and its value is used for per-
forming a mathematical check to ensure the accuracy of the data. The laser Inspector’s
printout shows expected (Expect) mod check character and this should match the
Modulation (MOD)
(Scanners and verifiers perceive the narrower bars and spaces to have less intensity than
wider bars and spaces; the comparison of this diminished intensity of narrow elements to
wide elements is called modulation. This condition is affected by aperture size.)
This parameter grade can be “A,” “B,” “C,” “D” or “F.”
The modulation grade is based on the relationship between minimum edge contrast
(Ecmin) and symbol contrast (SC).