RJS Inspector D4000 Laser (FIRMWARE version A.05 and Earlier) User Manual
Page 68
Appendix K
s Guide
RJS, Minneapolis, MN
Determining the information which has been encoded in a barcode symbol.
The portion of a barcode reading system that performs the decode function.
Diffuse Reflection
Reflected light which emanates uniformly in all directions from the reflecting surface.
Dimensional Deviation (DD)
The measured deviation of bars and/or spaces of a scanned symbol from the specifica-
Discrete Code
A barcode or symbol wherein the spaces between the characters are not part of the data.
Edge Contrast (EC) See Edge Contrast(min)
The difference between the space reflectance (Rs) and adjoining bar reflectance (Rb).
EC = Rs - Rb
Edge Contrast (min)
This parameter grade can be “A” or “F.” Edge contrast is the Reflectance difference be-
tween adjoining bars and spaces. The minimum edge contrast is the smallest value of EC
= Rspace - Rbar found in the scan.
The grade is determined by calculating the edge contrast of every element in a symbol
and then comparing the lowest value to a fixed threshold in the specification (15%).
If the value is equal to or greater than the threshold, the grade is “A.” If the value is less
than the threshold, the grade is “F.”