Appendix k – RJS Inspector D4000 Laser (FIRMWARE version A.05 and Earlier) User Manual
Page 65
Appendix K
s Guide
RJS, Minneapolis, MN
Appendix K
Barcode Definitions
(Some of these definitions may not be applicable to
the L1000)
Achieved Width
The calculated element width based on measurements.
A character set that contains letters, digits, and other characters such as punctuation
marks. Also, a character that is either numeric or alpha.(In programming an alphanumer-
ic cannot be used to do arithmetic.)
American National Standards Institute, Inc. 1430 Broadway, New York, New York
The effective opening in an optical system that established the field of view.
Application Specification
A set of rules for using barcode symbols.
Aspect Ratio
The ratio of height to width of a barcode symbol.
An element of a barcode symbol whose reflectance is less than the global threshold. A
Bar is the dark (reflective) element of a barcode. (As opposed to a space which is the
light reflective element.)