RJS Inspector D4000 Laser (FIRMWARE version A.05 and Earlier) User Manual
Page 71

Appendix K
s Guide
RJS, Minneapolis, MN
Infinite Pad Method
The method for measuring reflectance in which the sample substrate being measured is
backed with enough thickness of the same type of substrate so that doubling the number
of sheets does not change the measured value of reflectance.
Inspection Band
An area of the barcode symbol where measurements shall be taken spanning from 10% to
90% of the average bar height.
Inter-character Gap
In discrete barcodes, the space that separates two adjacent characters. When present, in-
ter-character gaps are considered spaces (elements) for purposes of edge determination
and reflectance parameter grades.
A barcode in which characters are paired together using bars to represent the first charac-
ter and spaces to represent the second.
Ladder Code
A barcode or symbol printed vertically with the individual bars looking like the rungs of
a ladder.
See Over-laminate
Laser Scanner
A barcode reading device that uses a low energy laser light source for illumination.
Magnification Factor
The size of a printed barcode compared to a standard (nominal) size.