About this manual – NewTek 3Play 330 User Manual
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Hate reading manuals? If so, you are part of the majority (estimates
are that between 60 and 97% of the human race agree). Many
prefer to jump right in, maybe asking a friend for occasional help
(and who can blame them)?
This manual attempts to tell you what you need to know in a friendly,
concise way, while also providing a deeper reference section you can
turn to when you really need specifics.
Especially if you hate reading, please take a moment to peruse this
page, which explains the manual’s organization. You may find you
can escape with a minimum of reading.
Chapter 2 - Software License and Limited Warranty
Chapter 3 - Introduction: Basic concepts explained
Chapter 4 - Setting Up: Connecting external devices (cameras, monitors and the like) and
Chapter 5 - Quick Start: A brisk romp through 3P
operations, about 15 pages
Chapter 6 - 3P
Reference: Complete details, for those who love (or need) to know
Chapter 7 - How Do I … ?: Quick notes, with cross-references. When you have a specific
question, skimming a few lines here may be quicker than searching through Chapter 6
Index: Comprehensive keyword index
Credits: 3P
family tree