MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.2 User manual User Manual

Page 64

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62 Chapter 4

All points within the marked range also change to green and
are thus marked as active . The following functions can now be
used on this range:
• Increase or reduce the volume level for the entire range. Use
the Level slider for this purpose .

• Move the position. Use either the Position slider, or select
the position by means of Range .

• Delete all points in the selected range. Click on Remove in
this case .
Click in the scrollbar beneath the volume display or on any
point to terminate selection of the range .

(f) The Level determines the volume of the active (green) edit-
ing point or of the selected range . The volume can be selected
in steps of 1 dB from -30 dB to +30 dB .

(g) Use Position to determine the position (in time) of a point or
a range in the volume display .

(h) Use the Create button to launch creation of the complete
audio sample shown in the volume display .

(i) Use Range to determine the position of an editing point or a
range according to its location within the video .

• During determination of the position of an individual point,
the following menu is displayed against the background of the
current video:

Determine the position of the selected point either using the
scrollbar following activation of the Position switch, or by
means of the arrow buttons < and > .

• When determining the position for a range, the following
menu is displayed against the background of the current video:

The position of a range is determined either from the start
point (Start) or the end point (End), or by means of the arrow
buttons < and > .

(j) Use the Play button to play the audio sample currently
shown in the wave form display, provided it has been calculat-
ed . The play position in terms of time is shown next to the Play
button in minutes:seconds:frames . The instantaneous play
volume is shown on the volume display . Play can be stopped
at any time by means of the Stop button .

Click on OK to terminate editing of the wave form and to ac-
cept the settings . Note the following:
• The Volume and Correction controls are no longer avail-
able for the edited audio sample following editing of the wave
forms . You can therefore no longer modify the volume of the
wave form audio sample by means of the Volume control, nor
the volume of a parallel audio sample in relation to the wave

form audio sample by means of the Correction control .

• Insertion of a fade into a wave form audio sample deletes the
edited wave form (following a prompt) . All changes to the wave
form audio sample are then lost .

• Indirect volume control of a wave form audio sample is still
possible by Correction from another audio sample . Creation
must however be repeated .

• Audio effects may be inserted into wave form audio samples.

• The sample envelope remains if you have trimmed or moved
the audio sample .

(16) Click onto the “Sample” button . A window similar to the
“Scene” video effect menu will appear . At first, you can see
the name of the sample, which can be changed if needed . The
default name is the name of the sample .
Next, you can decide if you want to create a sample that runs
across the length and position of the selected sample, com-
bining all audio tracks in that position . To do this, click onto
`Sample´ and then `Ok´ . The sample will then be added to the
`Audio Record /Edit´ screen .

Another possibility is the `Sample + Scenes´ function . Here,
you can determine that the new sample starts at the beginning
of the first scene – and ends at the end of the last scene it is
positioned under .

Alternatively, you can select any time range for creating the
new sample . A sample is created, containing all sound from all
soundtracks .
Click onto `Range´, confirm with `Ok´ and select the IN and
OUT points from the already familiar Range menu . The Enve-
lope (chapter 3 .2) helps you to do this . You can de/activate it
using the speaker symbol . Click onto `Ok´ in the Range menu .
This creates the sample and adds it just after the currently
activated/marked sample in the Record/Edit menu .

(17) Use the Volume button to adjust the volume of the active
video scene . You can reduce the volume of the scene (nega-
tive dB value), mute it (slider fully to the left), or increase the
volume (positive values up to 30 dB) .
Use this control for example to prevent a soft sound from be-
ing drowned by another sound which is too loud (e .g . piece of
music on the background track) .

A change in volume is shown in the light-blue bar which forms
the background to the audio samples . If the volume is re-
duced, the bar at the lower edge of the audio sample is also
displaced . The longer the audio sample, the more clearly of
course the characteristic is displayed .

(18) The Correction button modifies the volume of an audio
sample for the complete duration of another audio sample . The